Protesting Assistance

Often times Merit Shop Contractors experience protests by third parties on their public work project bids.  ABCIL has staff and legal counsel available to assist in these matters ensuring that you, the Merit Shop Contractor, is protected from false claims that may be made in a protest whether the protest is made by another Merit Shop Contractor, a Union Contractor, or a third party. 

Picketing Assistance

ABC offers a legal rights manual that outlines what constitutes a legal picket.  Included in the manual is a sample letter of what the contractor being picketed must do if establishing a dual gate system or reserved time system – including sample letters to the union BA who is responsible for the picket and sample language to use on the dual gates signs.  ABC also keeps dual gates on hand that can be purchased by members for establishing a dual gate system.  ABC staff will help walk members through the process should you have any questions.  


Are you being protested or picketed? We can help! Contact us at (217) 523-4692 or